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Blog Post 092216

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Sassoregale: a wine review

September 22, 2016

The Story:



For those of you who don't know or have always wondered about GQ Insiders and how one becomes one, well it's simple really. You go on the GQ website, might take a little looking around, or simply google it. You answer a few questions, fill out a form and they email you a confirmation of membership. Anyway, once you join this online community of fashion driven individuals, you get granted access to different types of contests, events and over all fashion coverage which might not be readily accessible to your average magazine subscriber.

It was one of these contests that introduced me to Sassoregale. Making a long story short and saving me some typing. I didn't win the contest or anything really, but my story and entry made an impression on the nice folks over at Sassoregale and they were nice enough to send me a couple of bottles as a motivational boost to drive me and blog forward.

So in gratitude I've put together my thoughts on their sangiovese should you be so inclined to purchase a bottle or two.

Sassoregale Winery is located in the Tuscan Maremma, the last wild corner of Italy. Immersed in the mediterranean landscape and overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea, the acres of vineyards have an endless scenery that enjoys the full natural light of the sun and a beautiful coastal breeze. It is here where the Sassoregale’s  sangiovese is born.


Characterized by its bright red hue, Sassoregale follows traditional wine vinification and ages it’s sangiovese for a brief but important period in small oak barrels; giving it a more oak, earthy tone.

Rising in popularity in California in the 80’s, sangiovese is light in color and high in acidity. With 13.5% alcohol by vol, the sangiovese adds moderate alcohol to savory dishes.

Sassoregale’s sangiovese pairs perfectly with classic italian cuisine. Most tomato based pasta dishes and pizzas compliment this wine perfectly. The high acidity also accentuates monotone flavor dishes such as meatloaf and chicken breast.

Since the sangiovese is aged in oak barrels, is carries an earthy, wood taste which really pairs well with smoked meats. Dishes seasoned with basil, thyme and sage bring out the herbal tones to the wine.


Served at a suggested cool 60-64F degrees, this wine is a perfect addition to any occasion.

Make sure to check out Sassoregale and get a bottle to experience the taste for yourself.


Click here to visit the Sassoregale website and to find out more.

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